Thursday, July 29, 2010

what not to do

post a picture of yourself in a mirror
post a shirtless photo of yourself
post photos of yourself with women

another beginning

it could begin again, but it won't because i know now what it took to get to this place. the effort was too great to be reversed that easily. when will it not be easy though? when will it get easier to accept again? it won't, i know it won't. i've too much resolve, scarily too much sometimes to fall again.

before this, another, not a beginning at all. it could have been what they were, a possible beginning, now they're momentary encounters, hoping to awaken the sleeping butterflies. this is rare.

i was late as i'm almost always for these. my way of sabotaging what could be? hoping he'll be amazing, but dislike me because i'm not punctual. or learn to love me because i'm not punctual and little will he ever know that's the worst of my problems, being late. i didn't drink fast enough, didn't offer to pay the bill, dressed for the occasion, threw him a curve ball.

he was ungentlemanly and foolish. my proper grammar confusing him more than once. he assumed i was saying something stupid. discussed irrelevant topics at length, with great detail and without care for the listener. no ability to smile, none, completely guarded and fearful. not a teamplayer.

he has a nice phone voice, he understands the lay of the land, he sees how he fits into the world. there aren't enough pluses here.